“Wittgenstein and Logical Necessity”, Philosophical Review 1965 pp. 504-518
Reprinted in:
G. Pitcher (ed.), Wittgenstein: The Philosophical Investigations, New York 1966
E. Klemke (ed.), Essays on Wittgenstein, Chicago 1971
S. Shanker (ed.), Ludwig Wittgenstein: Critical Assessments, London 1986
J. Canfield (ed.), The Philosophy of Wittgenstein: Logical Necessity and Rules, New York 1987
P. Moser (ed.), A Priori Knowledge, Oxford 1987
M. Andronico, D. Marconi, C. Penco (ed.), Capire Wittgenstein, Genova 1988 (in Italian)
B. Stroud, Meaning, Understanding, and Practice: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2000
Review of H. S. Sørensen, The Meaning of Proper Names, Foundations of Language1968 pp. 443-445
“Transcendental Arguments”, The Journal of Philosophy1968 pp. 241-256
Reprinted in:
T. Penelhum & J. MacIntosh (ed.), The First Critique, Belmont, California 1969
R. Walker (ed.), Kant on Pure Reason, Oxford 1982
Cahiers de philosophie de l’universite de Caen1998 (in French)
Cabrera (ed.), Argumentos Trascendentales, Mexico 1999
H. Klemme & M. Kuehn (ed.), Immanuel Kant: Volume I: Theoretical Philosophy, Aldershot 1999
B. Stroud, Understanding Human Knowledge: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2000
Organon2006 (in Slovak)
A. Garcia Rodriguez (ed.), Argumentos Transcendentales, Madrid 2007 (in Spanish)
Sententiae2015 (in Ukranian)
“Conventionalism and the Indeterminacy of Translation”, Synthèse1968 pp. 82-96
Reprinted in:
D. Davidson & J. Hintikka (ed.), Words and Objections: Essays on the Philosophy of W. V. Quine, Dordrecht, Netherlands 1969
B. Stroud, Meaning, Understanding, and Practice: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2000
Review of G. E. Moore, Lectures on Philosophy, Philosophical Review1969 pp. 420-423
Review of A. Naess, Scepticism, Philosophical Review1971 pp. 253-256
Review of David Pears, Ludwig Wittgenstein, The Journal of Philosophy1972 pp. 16-26
Review of Anthony Kenny, Wittgenstein, Philosophical Review1975 pp. 576-580
Review of J. F. M. Hunter, Essays After Wittgenstein, The Journal of Philosophy1976 pp. 277-281
Review of Peter Unger, Ignorance: A Case for Scepticism, The Journal of Philosophy1977 pp. 246-257
Reprinted (as “Taking Scepticism Seriously”) in: B. Stroud, Understanding Human Knowledge: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2000
“Transcendental Arguments and ‘Epistemological Naturalism’”, Philosophical Studies1977 pp. 105-115
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Understanding Human Knowledge: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2000
Hume, Routledge & Kegan Paul, Ltd., London, 1977 pp. 1-280
Paperback 1981
Spanish translation: (tr. A. Zirión), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico 1986 (Second revised edition 1996)
Chinese translation: (tr. Z. Xiaoliang & L. Jianrong), Shangdong People Publishing House, Beijing 1992
Chapter VII reprinted: “Action, Reason and Passion” in T. Honderich (ed.), Philosophy And Its Past, London 1983
“Hume and the Idea of Causal Necessity”, Philosophical Studies1978 pp. 39-59
Reprinted in: S. Tweyman (ed.), Hume: Critical Assessments, London, 1995
“Inference, Belief, and Understanding”, Mind1979 pp. 179-196
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Meaning, Understanding, and Practice: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2000
“The Significance of Scepticism”, in P. Bieri, R. P. Horstmann, L. Krüger (ed.), Transcendental Arguments and Science, Dordrecht, Netherlands 1979 pp. 277-97
Reprinted in: M. Goodman & R. Snyder (ed.), Contemporary Readings in Epistemology, New York 1992
Review of V. H. Klenk, Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Mathematics, International Studies in Philosophy1979 pp. 235-236
“Berkeley v. Locke on Primary Qualities”, Philosophy1980 pp. 149-166
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Philosophers Past and Present: Selected Essays, Oxford 2011
Review of G. Hallett, Companion to Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations, Metaphilosophy1980 pp.
“Reasonable Claims: Cavell and the Tradition”, The Journal of Philosophy1980 pp. 731-744
Reprinted (in augmented form) in: B. Stroud, Understanding Human Knowledge: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2000
“Evolution and the Necessities of Thought”, in L. W. Sumner, J. Slater, F. Wilson (ed.), Pragmatism and Purpose: Essays Presented to T. A. Goudge, Toronto 1981 pp. 236-247
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Meaning, Understanding, and Practice: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2000
“The Significance of Naturalized Epistemology”, Midwest Studies in Philosophyvol. VI 1981 pp. 455-471
Reprinted in:
H. Kornblith (ed.), Naturalizing Epistemology, Cambridge, Mass. 1985
Primer Simposio Internacional de Filosofía vol. I, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1985 (in Spanish)
M. Williams (ed.), Scepticism, Aldershot, Hampshire 1993
Review of D. F. Norton, N. Capaldi, W. R. Robinson (ed.), McGill Hume Studies, Hermathena: A Dublin University Review1981 pp. 133-134
“Aiming at the Truth”: Review of S. H. Holtzman & C. M. Leich (ed.), Wittgenstein: To Follow a Rule, The Times Literary Supplement8 January 1982 p. 37
Review of G. P. Baker & P. M. S. Hacker, Wittgenstein: Understanding and Meaning, Philosophical Review1983 pp. 282-284
“Kant and Skepticism”, in M. F. Burnyeat (ed.), The Skeptical Tradition, Berkeley 1983 pp. 413-434
“Wittgenstein’s ‘Treatment’ of the Quest for ‘A Language Which Describes My Inner Experiences and Which Only I Myself Can Understand’”, in P. Weingartner & H. Czermak (ed.), Epistemology and Philosophy of Science: Proceedings of the Seventh International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg 1982, Vienna 1983 pp. 438-445
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Meaning, Understanding, and Practice: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2000
“Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Mind”, in G. Fløistad (ed.), Contemporary Philosophy: A New Survey, vol. VI, The Philosophy of Mind, Hague, Netherlands 1983 pp. 319-341
Reprinted in: J. Canfield (ed.), The Philosophy of Wittgenstein: The Private Language Argument, New York 1987
Review of I. Block (ed.), Perspectives on the Philosophy of Wittgenstein, Philosophical Review1984 pp. 140-143
“Die Transzendentalphilosophie und das Probleme der Aussenwelt”, in E. Schaper & W. Vossenkuhl (ed.), Bedingungen der Möglichkeit: ‘Transcendental Arguments’ und Transzendentales Denken, Stuttgart 1984 pp. 204-229
The Significance of Philosophical Scepticism, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1984 pp. 1-277
Spanish translation: El Escepticismo Filosófico y Su Significación, (tr. L. Garcia Urriza), Fondo de Cultura Econímica, Mexico 1991
Japanese translation: (by Hitoshi Nagai, Hirokazu Iwasawa, Akiyoshi Kabeya, Shogo Shimizu, Yohsuke Tsuchiya) Shunjusha, Japan 2006
Chapter I reprinted in:
T. Grundmann & K. Stüber (ed.), Philosophie der Skepsis, Paderborn, Munich, Vienna 1996 (in German)
E. Sosa & J. Kim (ed.), Epistemology: An Anthology, Oxford 2000
Chapter II excerpts reprinted in: J. Adler & C. Elgin, Philosophical Inquiry, Cambridge, Mass. 2007
“The Allure of Idealism”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society: Supplementary Volume LVIII1984 pp. 243-258
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Understanding Human Knowledge: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2000
“Skepticism and the Possibility of Knowledge”, The Journal of Philosophy1984 pp. 545-551
Reprinted in:
M. Williams (ed.), Scepticism, Aldershot, Hampshire 1993
L. Alcoff (ed.), Epistemology: The Big Questions, Oxford, 1998
B. Stroud, Understanding Human Knowledge: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2000
K. Wray (ed.), Knowledge and Inquiry, Peterborough, Canada, 2002
Revista Sképsis2012 (in Portuguese)
“Metaphysical Mediations”: Review of P. F. Strawson, Skepticism and Naturalism: Some Varieties, The Times Literary Supplement14 June 1985 p. 664
“An End to Anxiety”: Review of four books on Wittgenstein, The London Review of Books18 July 1985 pp. 14-15
“In the Current of Nature”: Review of R. Fogelin, Hume’s Skepticism in the Treatise of Human Nature, The Times Literary Supplement30 August 1985 p. 942
“Analytic Philosophy and Metaphysics”, in L. Nagl & R. Heinrich (ed.), Wiener Reihe: Themen der Philosophie Band I, Wo Steht die Analytische Philosophie Heute?, Vienna 1986 pp. 58-74
Reprinted in: A. Griaznov (ed.), Anthology of Analytic Philosophy, Moscow 1993 (in Russian)
“Choices in an Unreal World”: Review of J. L. Mackie, Selected Papers, 2 vols., The Times Literary Supplement18 April 1986 p. 424
“The Physical World”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society1987 pp. 263-277
“The Thought of Subjectivism”, in Congreso Internacional Extraordinario de Filosofía, Córdoba, Argentina, 1988, pp. 853-857
“The Study of Human Nature and the Subjectivity of Value”, in G. Peterson (ed.), The Tanner Lectures on Human Values vol. X, Salt Lake City 1989 pp. 213-259
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Philosophers Past and Present: Selected Essays, Oxford, 2011
“True Enough”: Review of R. C. S. Walker, The Coherence Theory of Truth, The Times Literary Supplement7-13 July 1989 p. 741
“Understanding Human Knowledge in General”, in M. Clay & K. Lehrer (ed.), Knowledge and Skepticism, Boulder 1989 pp. 31-50
Reprinted in:
T. Grundmann & K. Stüber (ed.), Philosophie der Skepsis, Paderborn, Munich, Vienna 1996 (in German)
J. Crumley (ed.), Readings in Epistemology, Mountain View, California, 1999
B. Stroud, Understanding Human Knowledge: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2000
F. Dretske & S. Bernecker (ed.), Readings in Contemporary Epistemology, Oxford 2000
H. Kornblith (ed.), Epistemology: Internalism and Externalism, Oxford 2001
J. Dutant & P. Engel (ed.), Philosophie de la Connaissance, Paris 2005 (in French)
R. Neta (ed.), Epistemology: Critical Concepts in Philosophy, London 2011
“Quine’s Physicalism”, in R. Barrett & R. Gibson (ed.), Perspectives on Quine, Oxford 1990 pp. 321-333
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Meaning, Understanding, and Practice: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2000
“Meaning, Understanding, and Translation”, The Canadian Journal of Philosophy Supplementary Volume 16 1990 pp. 343-361
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Meaning, Understanding, and Practice: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2000
“Wittgenstein on Meaning, Understanding, and Community”, in R. Haller & J. Brandl (ed.), Wittgenstein - Eine Neuberwertung: Wittgenstein - Towards a Re-evaluation, Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Wittgenstein Symposium, Vienna 1990 pp. 27-36
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Meaning, Understanding, and Practice: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2000
“The Background of Thought”, in E. LePore & R. van Gulick (ed.), John Searle and His Critics, Oxford 1991 pp. 245-258
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Meaning, Understanding, and Practice: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2000
“Hume’s Scepticism: Natural Instincts and Philosophical Reflection”, Philosophical Topics1991, pp. 271-291
Reprinted in:
R. H. Popkin (ed.), Scepticism in the History of Philosophy, Dordrecht, Netherlands 1996
M. Atherton (ed.), The Empiricists: Locke, Berkeley and Hume, Critical Essays, New York 1998
D. Owen (ed.), Hume: General Philosophy, Aldershot, Hampshire 2000
Revista Sképsis2008 (in Portuguese)
B. Stroud, Philosophers Past and Present: Selected Essays, Oxford 2011
“The Limits of Thought”: Review of Michael Dummett, The Logical Basis of Metaphysics, The Times Literary Supplement1 November 1991 p. 11-12
“Ayer’s Hume”, in L. Hahn (ed.), The Philosophy of A. J. Ayer, (Library of Living Philosophers), Chicago 1992 pp. 609-631
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Philosophers Past and Present: Selected Essays, Oxford 2011
Review of W. V. Quine and Rudolf Carnap, Dear Carnap, Dear Van: The Quine-Carnap Correspondence and Related Work, The Journal of Philosophy1992 pp. 383-386
“Review Essay: W. V. Quine, Pursuit of Truth”, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research1992 pp. 981-987
Review of T. Baldwin, G. E. Moore, Philosophical Review1992 pp. 875-877
“Association”, J. Dancy & E. Sosa (ed.), A Companion to Epistemology, Oxford 1992 p. 32
“Hume”, Ibid.pp. 182-185
“Logical Positivism”, Ibid.pp. 262-265
“Primary and Secondary Qualities”, Ibid.pp. 362-365
“Verificationism”, Ibid.p. 518
“‘Gilding or Staining’ the World With ‘Sentiments’ and ‘Phantasms’”, Hume Studies1993 pp. 253-272
Reprinted in:
R. Read & K. Richman (ed.), The New Hume Debate, London, 2000
R. Cohon (ed.), Hume: Moral and Political Philosophy, Aldershot, Hampshire 2001
B. Stroud, Philosophers Past and Present: Selected Essays, Oxford 2011
“Quite Beyond Us”: Review of Colin McGinn, Problems in Philosophy, The Times Literary Supplement25 February 1994 p. 8
“Scepticism, ‘Externalism’, and the Goal of Epistemology”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society: Supplementary Volume LXVIII, 1994 pp. 291-307
Reprinted in:
P. K. Moser (ed.), Empirical Knowledge: Readings in Contemporary Epistemology, Second Edition, Lanham, Maryland 1996
E. Sosa (ed.), Knowledge and Justification, Vol. II, Aldershot, Hampshire 1998
K. DeRose & T. Warfield (ed.), Skepticism: A Contemporary Reader, New York 1999
B. Stroud, Understanding Human Knowledge: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2000
P. K. Moser & A. vander Nat (ed.), Human Knowledge: Classical and Contemporary Approaches, Third Edition, New York 2003
“Kantian Argument, Conceptual Capacities, and Invulnerability”, in P. Parrini (ed.), Kant and Contemporary Epistemology, Dordrecht, Netherlands 1994 pp. 231-251
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Understanding Human Knowledge: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2000
“Quine on Exile and Acquiescence”, in P. Leonardi & M. Santambrogio (ed.), On Quine, Cambridge 1995 pp. 37-52
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Meaning, Understanding, and Practice: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2000
Review of Robert J. Fogelin, Pyrrhonian Reflections on Knowledge and Justification, The Journal of Philosophy1995 pp. 662-665
“Epistemological Reflection on Knowledge of the External World”, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research1996 pp. 345-358
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Understanding Human Knowledge: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2000
(with Geoffrey Warnock) “Grice, (Herbert) Paul”, The Dictionary of National Biography: 1986-1990, Oxford 1996 pp. 171-172
“Mind, Meaning, and Practice”, in H. Sluga & D. Stern (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Wittgenstein, Cambridge 1996 pp. 296-319
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Meaning, Understanding, and Practice: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2000
“The Charm of Naturalism”, Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association, November 1996 pp. 43-55
Reprinted in:
M. DeCaro & D. Macarthur (ed.), Naturalism in Question, Cambridge, Mass. 2004 pp. 21-35
B. Stroud, Philosophers Past and Present: Selected Essays, Oxford 2011
R. T. Hull (ed.), Presidential Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 1991-2000, vol. 10 2013
“Unpurged Pyrrhonism”, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research1997 pp. 411-416
“In Conversation: Donald Davidson: The Stroud Discussion”, Philosophy International, London, 1997 (Video 74 min.)
“Thinking Straight”: Review of Thomas Nagel, The Last Word, The Times Literary Supplement5 December 1997, pp. 3-4
“The Theory of Meaning and the Practice of Communication”, Crítica1998 pp. 3-28
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Meaning, Understanding, and Practice: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2000
“The Idea of a ‘Scientific Lebenswelt’”, in W. Carl & L. Daston (ed.), Wahrheit und Geschichte, Göttingen 1999 pp. 142-156
“The Goal of Transcendental Arguments”, in R. Stern (ed.), Transcendental Arguments: Problems and Prospects, Oxford 1999 pp. 155-172
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Understanding Human Knowledge: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2000
“Practical Reasoning”, in E. Ullmann-Margalit (ed.), Reasoning Practically, New York 1999 pp. 27-38
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Philosophers Past and Present: Selected Essays, Oxford 2011
“Radical Interpretation and Philosophical Scepticism”, in L. Hahn (ed.), The Philosophy of Donald Davidson, (Library of Living Philosophers), La Salle, Ill., 1999 pp. 139-161
Reprinted in:
B. Stroud, Understanding Human Knowledge: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2000
Silva Filho, W. & Junquiera Smith, P. (ed.), Davidson e a Filosofia, Sao Paulo 2005 (in Portuguese)
The Quest for Reality: Subjectivism and the Metaphysics of Colour, Oxford University Press, New York 1999 pp. 1-228
Spanish translation: La Búsqueda de la Realidad: El Subjectivismo y la Metafísica del Color(tr. Jordi Valor Abad) Editorial Síntesis, Madrid 2003
Chapter 6 reprinted in: M. Ezcurdia & O. Hansberg (ed.), La Naturaleza de la Experienciavol. 2 Perception, Mexico 2006 (in Spanish)
Meaning, Understanding, and Practice: Philosophical Essays, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2000 pp. 1-234
Understanding Human Knowledge: Philosophical Essays, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2000 pp. 1-243
“Doubts About the Legacy of Scepticism”, in B. Stroud, Understanding Human Knowledge: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2000
“The Synthetic A Priori in Strawson’s Kantianism”, in B. Stroud, Understanding Human Knowledge: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2000
Reprinted in: H. J. Glock (ed.), Strawson and Kant, Oxford 2003
“Private Objects, Physical Objects, and Ostension”, in B. Stroud, Meaning, Understanding, and Practice: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2000
Reprinted in: D. Charles & W. Child (ed.), Wittgensteinian Themes: Essays in Honour of David Pears, Oxford 2001 pp. 143-162
“What is Philosophy?”, in C. P. Ragland & S. Heidt (ed.), What Is Philosophy?, New Haven 2001 pp. 25-46
Reprinted in:
Revista Sképsis14 2016 (In Portuguese)
B. Stroud, Seeing, Knowing, Understanding: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2018
“Summary of The Quest for Reality”, Philosophical Books2001 pp. 239-240
“Mind, Physicalism, and Metaphysics: Replies to Responses”, Philosophical Books2001 pp. 267-273
“The ‘Unity of Cognition’ and the Explanation of Mathematical Knowledge”, Philosophical Topics2001 pp. 415-428
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Philosophers Past and Present: Selected Essays, Oxford 2011
“Vienna . . . Berkeley, Vienna, Berkeley, . . . Vienna”, in G. Diem-Wille, L. Nagl, F. Stadler (ed.), Weltanschauungen des Wiener Fin de Siècle 1900/2000: Festgabe für Kurt Rudolf Fischer, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Vienna 2002 pp. 207-213
“Explaining the Quest and its Prospects: Reply to Boghossian and Byrne”, Philosophical Studies2002 pp. 239-247
“Sense-Experience and the Grounding of Thought”, in N. Smith (ed.), Reading McDowell: on “Mind and World”, London 2002 pp. 79-91
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Philosophers Past and Present: Selected Essays, Oxford 2011
Review of Mark Sacks, Objectivity and Insight, Mind 2003 pp. 379-382
“Anti-Individualism and Scepticism”, in M. Hahn & B. Ramberg (ed.), Reflections and Replies: Essays on the Philosophy of Tyler Burge, Cambridge, Mass. 2003 pp. 15-27
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Philosophers Past and Present: Selected Essays, Oxford 2011
“Bernard Williams”, Cal Monthly, Berkeley, November 2003 p. 50
“Ostension and the Social Character of Thought”, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research2003 pp. 667-674
Review of J. Haldane & S. Read (ed.), The Philosophy of Thomas Reid: A Collection of Essays, The Journal of Scottish Philosophy 2004 pp. 88-91
“Précis of The Quest for Reality”, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 2004 pp.386-388
Book Symposium: Responses to Adrian Moore, John McDowell, Robert Fogelin, Bill Brewer, Justin Broackes, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 2004 pp. 425-444
“Contemporary Pyrrhonism”, in W. Sinnott-Armstrong (ed.), Pyrrhonian Skepticism, New York 2004 pp. 174-187
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Philosophers Past and Present: Selected Essays, Oxford 2011
“Una investigación sobre el entendimiento humano”, Afterword to D. Hume, Una investigación sobre el entendimiento humano(Spanish translation with parallel English text of D. Hume, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding(ed. V. Sanfélix & C. Ors), Madrid 2004 pp. 383-399
“Unmasking and Dispositionalism: Reply to Mark Johnston”, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 2004 pp. 202-212
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Seeing, Knowing, Understanding: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2018
“Perceptual Knowledge and Epistemological Satisfaction”, in J. Greco (ed.), Sosa and his Critics, Oxford 2004 pp. 165-173
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Philosophers Past and Present: Selected Essays, Oxford 2011
“The Epistemological Promise of Externalism”, in R. Schantz (ed.), The Externalist Challenge: New Studies on Cognition and Intentionality, Berlin & New York 2005 pp. 181-191
Reprinted in: B. Stroud,Seeing, Knowing, Understanding: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2018
“The Constraints of Hume’s Naturalism”, Synthèse 2006 pp. 339-351
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Philosophers Past and Present: Selected Essays, Oxford 2011
“Dispositional Theories of the Colours of Things”, Erkenntnis 2007 pp. 271-285
Reprinted in: R. Schumacher (ed.), Perspectives on Colour Perception, Berlin 2007
“The ‘Magic’ of Reference”, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 2007 pp. 747-752
“Insatisfacciones Metafísicas: Modalidad y valor”, in D. Pérez Chico & M. Barroso Ramos (eds.), Pluralidad de la Filosofía Analítica, Madrid & Mexico 2007 pp. 73-93
“Our Debt to Descartes”, in J. Broughton & J. Carriero (ed.), A Companion to Descartes, Oxford 2008 pp. 513-525
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Philosophers Past and Present: Selected Essays, Oxford 2011
“Scepticism”: Interview with N. Warburton (2008): philosophybites.com (12 min.)
Editor, with “Introduction”, Allan Gibbard, Reconciling Our Aims: In Search of a Basis for Ethics, Berkeley Tanner Lectures, New York 2008 pp. 3-8
“The Possibility of Knowledge”, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 2008 pp. 518-524
“The Pursuit of Philosophy”, The Dewey Lecture, Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 2008 pp. 117-129
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Seeing, Knowing, Understanding: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2018
“The Stuff of Anxiety”: Review of J. J. Valberg, Dream, Death, and the Self, The Times Literary Supplement 20 March 2009 p. 22
Review of Penelope Maddy, Second Philosophy, Mind 2009 pp. 500-503
“Scepticism and the Senses”, European Journal of Philosophy 2009 pp. 559-570
Reprinted in:
Revista Sképsis 14 2016
B. Stroud, Seeing, Knowing, Understanding: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2018
“Explaining Perceptual Knowledge: Reply to Quassim Cassam”, European Journal of Philosophy2009 pp. 590-596
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Seeing, Knowing, Understanding: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2018
“The Transparency of ‘Naturalism’”, The Romanell Lecture, Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 2009 pp. 157-169
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Philosophers Past and Present: Selected Essays, Oxford 2011
“Epistemology, The History of Epistemology, Historical Epistemology”, in T. Sturm & U. Feest (ed.), What (Good) is Historical Epistemology?, Berlin 2009 pp. 177-183
Reprinted in: Erkenntnis, vol. 75, no. 3 2011 pp. 495-503
“Self-Profile”, in J. Dancy, E. Sosa, M. Steup (ed.), A Companion to Epistemology, Second edition, Oxford 2010 pp. 190-194
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Seeing, Knowing, Understanding: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2018
“Scepticism”, in D. Edmonds & N. Warburton, Philosophy Bites, Oxford 2010 pp. 117-125
Review of Elizabeth S. Radcliffe (ed.), A Companion to Hume, Hume Studies 2010 pp. 243-245
“Benson Mates”, In Memoriam, University of California 2010
Engagement and Metaphysical Dissatisfaction: Modality and Value, Oxford University Press, New York 2011 pp. 1-163
“Seeing What is So”, in J. Roessler, N. Eilan, H. Lerman (ed.), Perception, Causation, and Objectivity: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology, Oxford 2011 pp. 92-102
Reprinted in:
Revista Sképsis14 2016
B. Stroud, Seeing, Knowing, Understanding: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2018
Philosophers Past and Present: Selected Essays, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2011 pp. 1-338
“Colours and Powers”, in B. Stroud, Philosophers Past and Present: Selected Essays, Oxford 2011 pp. 49-64
“Hume’s Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding”, in B. Stroud, Philosophers Past and Present: Selected Essays, Oxford 2011 pp. 103-116
“Hume at 300”, The Philosopher’s Magazine3rd Quarter 2011 pp. 61-62
“Feelings and the Ascription of Feelings”, Teorema, January 2011 pp. 25-33
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Seeing, Knowing, Understanding: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2018
“Meaning and Understanding”, in O. Kuusela & M. McGinn (ed.), The Oxford Handbook to Wittgenstein, Oxford 2011 pp. 294-310
Reprinted in:
J. Ellis & D. Guevara (ed.), Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Mind, Oxford 2012 pp. 19-36
B. Stroud, Seeing, Knowing, Understanding: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2018
“Donald Davidson”, in M. Baghramian (ed.), Donald Davidson: Life and Words, London 2012 pp. 62-64
“Hidden Textures”: Review of John Heil, The Universe As We Find It, Times Literary Supplement 21 & 28 December 2012 p. 39
“Doing Something Intentionally and Knowing That You Are Doing It”, Canadian Journal of Philosophy March 2013 pp. 1-12
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Seeing, Knowing, Understanding: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2018
“Judgement, Self-Consciousness, Idealism”, in D. Emundts (ed.), Self, World, and Art: Metaphysical Topics in Kant and Hegel, Berlin 2013 pp. 37-46
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Seeing, Knowing, Understanding: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2018
Review of G. Strawson, The Evident Connexion: Hume on Personal Identity, The European Journal of Philosophy March 2013 pp.
“Riconoscere Le Valutazioni”, in G. Marchetti (ed.), La contingenza dei fatti e l’oggettività dei valori, Milano - Udine 2013 pp. 197-212
“Concepts of Colour and Limits of Understanding”, in F. Gierlinger & S. Riegelnik (ed.), Wittgenstein on Color, Berlin 2014 pp. 105-113
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Seeing, Knowing, Understanding: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2018
“Thompson Clarke”, In Memoriam, University of California 2014
“Scepticism While Tracking the Truth”, Teorema September 2014 pp. 171-i79
“Sendas del Significado y del Conocimiento de las Realidades Morales”, in G. Ortiz Millán y J. Cruz Parcero (ed.), Lenguaje, Mente y Moralidad: Ensayos en homenaje a Mark Platts, Mexico 2015 pp. 17-34
“Naturalism and Scepticism in the Philosophy of Hume”, in P. Russell (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of David Hume, Oxford 2015 pp. 21-31
Reprinted (slightly abridged) in:
Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, (Moscow) No. 1, 2012 pp. 36-51 (in Russian)
I.Kasavin (ed.), David Hume and Contemporary Philosophy, Cambridge 2012 pp. 10-22
“Perceptual Knowledge and the Primacy of Judgment”, Journal of the American Philosophical Association 2015 pp. 385-395
Reprinted in B. Stroud, Seeing, Knowing, Understanding: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2018
Preface to Gilbert Ryle, Dilemmas, new edition, Cambridge 2015
“L’autocomprensió i l’expectativa d’assolir l’objectivitat”, Quaderns de Filosofia, vol. II, núm 2 2015 pp. 95-135 [Three Blasco Lectures: “Self-Understanding and the Prospect of Objectivity”, delivered at the University of Valencia 2014]
“In the Light Of”, Review of John Hyman, Action, Knowledge, and Will, The Times Literary Supplement, 13 November 2015 p. 32
Review of Don Garrett, Hume, The Philosophical Review, October 2016 pp. 597-601
“Replies to Sceptical Essays”, Revista Sképsis No. 14 2016 pp. 218-233
“Kant’s “Transcendental Deduction””, in J. O’Shea (ed.), Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: A Critical Guide, Cambridge 2017 pp. 106-119
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Seeing, Knowing, Understanding: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2018
“Davidson and Wittgenstein on Meaning and Understanding”, in C. Verheggen (ed.), Wittgenstein and Davidson on Thought, Language, and Action, Cambridge 2017 pp. 123-138
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Seeing, Knowing, Understanding: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2018
“Logical Aliens and the ‘Ground’ of Logical Necessity”, in C. Travis & S. Miguens (ed.), Logically Alien Thought, Cambridge, Mass. (forthcoming)
Reprinted in B. Stroud, Seeing, Knowing, Understanding: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2018
“Ways of Meaning and Knowing Moral Realities”, in G. Ortiz-Millán and J. A. Cruz Parcero (ed.), Mind, Language and Morality: Essays in Honor of Mark Platts, New York, Abingdon 2018
Reprinted in: B. Stroud, Seeing, Knowing, Understanding: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2018
Seeing, Knowing, Understanding: Philosophical Essays, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2018 pp. 277
“Are The Colours of Things Secondary Qualities?”, in B. Stroud, Seeing, Knowing, Understanding: Philosophical Essays, Oxford 2018
“Comments on Penelope Maddy’s What Do Philosophers Do?, International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 2018 pp.223-230
“Metaphysische Unzufriedenheit”, Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie (forthcoming 2019)
“Knowledge From a Human Point of View”, in M. Massimi (ed.),Knowledge From a Human Point of View (forthcoming 2019)